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Creating IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio

This tutorial shows how to create an IoT-Ignite project in Android Studio and setup IoT-Ignite dependencies.

Step 1: Creating New Project

Open Android Studio and click to start a new project.

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Create New Project - Configure your new project Window

Create New Project – Configure your new project

Step 2: Setting Target Devices

Enter your application’s package name. Set your project path and then click next.

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Create New Project - Target Android Devices Window

Create New Project – Target Android Devices

Step 3: Adding Main Activity

Choose “Empty Activity” from the menu.

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Create New Project - Add an Activity to Mobile Window

Create New Project – Add an Activity to Mobile

Step 4: Customizing Main Activity

Rename your main activity or leave it as it is. Click “Finish” button to create the project.

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Create New Project - Customize the Activity Window

Create New Project – Customize the Activity

Android Studio will download its dependencies. If you are opening IDE for the first time, it takes a while. When Gradle build is finished,  you will see a notification on the left bottom side as below:

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Main Activity Code Window

Main Activity Code

Step 5: Setting Repositories and Dependencies

Add IoT-Ignite dependencies and repositories to module app:build.gradle file.

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Setting Up Repositories Window

Setting Up Repositories

Repositories :

repositories {
maven {
url "http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2"
maven {
url "https://repo.iot-ignite.com/content/repositories/releases"

Dependencies :

//New Android Studio / Version > 3.4:
implementation 'com.google.code:gson:2.7'
implementation 'com.ardic.android:IoTIgnite:0.8.2'
//Old Android Studio / Version < 3.4:
compile 'com.google.code:gson:2.7'
compile 'com.ardic.android:IoTIgnite:0.8.2'
IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Setting up Dependencies Window

Setting up Dependencies

Step 6: Testing Setup

For testing, just write IotIgniteManager to MainActivity.java’s onCreate() function. If everything is OK, it will be shown as below:

IoT-Ignite Project in Android Studio: Checking Setup Window

Checking Setup


Happy Codings,

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