IgniteCloud is the end-to-end service enabler layer of the IoT-Ignite Platform. The IgniteAgent provides connectivity, management, control and data acquisition to your IoT service. The devices securely and efficiently communicate with cloud services in one-to many communication patterns. There is a rule engine running in the cloud that can be reconfigured anytime to meet changing needs. Your service can have set of rules on cloud layer analyzing the gathered data and executing an alert according to the set rules.
A device with x86 architecture or an open hardware platform device (Raspberry Pi) can be your gateway in your IoT project. These devices need to be installed PilarOS -an Industrial Android version by ARDIC. PilarOS comes with all comes with all necessary components, ready to connect to the cloud.
If you select an Android device to be your gateway you’ll need to install IgniteAgent on your device. IgniteAgent is available on Google Play Store and also . Further more information you can visit Please see Documents for installation and configuration documents.
Now your gateway is ready and already connected to IgniteCloud. Now you will do:
You’ll create rules on the rule engine according to the events happened on edge devices. You can also use the virtual processors. Please see sample services such as Environmental Sensor informations.
You can connect the sensors and nodes to your gateways. Once you want to connect sensors and nodes , you can use Builtin Nodes and Sensor. Also you can develop virtual nodes with virtual sensors as application. If you want to add External Node , make sure that develop your own application to configure external nodes.Please see here for how to.