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4 search results for: Installing Pilaros


Installing PilarOS to Raspberry Pi 3 from Linux

Installing PilarOS to Raspberry Pi 3 from Linux You can boot your Raspberry Pi 3 using a micro SD card that contains the latest IoTAgent built, PilarOS image. Use the following steps in this topic to create the bootable micro SD card. What you need to succeed Raspberry Pi 3 Micro SD Card (min. 8GB) Linux […]


Installing PilarOS to Raspberry Pi 3 from Windows

Installing PilarOS to Raspberry Pi 3 from Windows You can boot your Raspberry Pi 3 using a micro SD card that contains the latest IoT agent built, PilarOS image. Use the following steps in this topic to create the bootable micro SD card. What you need to succeed A Raspberry Pi 3 A micro-SD card; […]


Getting Environmental Sensor Information (Temp, Humidity) with Raspberry Pi 3

PROJECT INFO Difficulty: Advanced Estimated time: 2 hours License:GPL3+ THINGS USED IN THE PROJECT Hardware components: NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board x1 DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor x1 LED (generic) x1 Resistor 221 ohm Android Phone x1 Breadboard x1 Software apps and online services: Arduino IDE IoTIgnite Service Registration IoTIgnite Agent APP IoTIgnite Service APP Hand […]